
How Your Genes Affect Folate Metabolism ?

By Marina Shanafelt, MS CNS

Folate, a B-vitamin (B9), is an essential nutrient important in many cellular processes including DNA production and repair, fertility, cardiovascular health, and brain health. Because of the major role that folate plays, it is important to make sure to consume enough of this essential nutrient which is abundantly available in plants such as green leafy vegetables, asparagus, beets, and legumes.

Folate is a form of B9 that is found naturally occurring in foods, however, folic acid is a synthetic form of B9 often found in supplements. Folic acid must be converted to a usable form of folate in the body and competes with naturally occurring folate. It is also important to note that folate can be destroyed by applying heat to the food.

How genetics affects folate metabolism ?

Genetics can influence how we metabolize folate and our individual need for dietary folate. For example, variations in the MTHFR and MTHFD1 genes impact on our ability to metabolize folate into its various forms and are associated with a higher requirement of folate from the diet. Other genes, such as TCN2, involved in vitamin B12 transport, can make it harder to utilize folate, thus ensuring adequate intake of both folate and other B-vitamins, especially vitamin B12, is important.

Why is folate important?

How genetics affects folate metabolism ?

Folate is important in many processes in the body:

DNA health – Folate plays a central role in DNA methylation (a way to regulate gene expression), DNA replication, and repair. Impairment in these processes due to poor folate status or genetic variations that influence folate metabolism can contribute to infertility, accelerated aging, and certain cancers.

Fertility – Folate deficiency can result in poor fertility, neural tube defects, and preterm births. The importance of folate is not limited to conceiving women, but also impacts sperm, where poor folate status, exacerbated by MTHFR gene variants, can have a significant impact on sperm quality and the health of the early embryo, also contributing to increased risk of miscarriages.

Homocysteine metabolism – Homocysteine is an amino acid; elevated levels of blood homocysteine, or hyperhomocysteinemia, is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and dementia. Folate is important in converting homocysteine to methionine, thus keeping homocysteine in a healthy range. Poor folate status, as well as MTHFR gene variants, can contribute to improper homocysteine metabolism, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Anemia – Megaloblastic anemia is a form of anemia in which abnormally large blood cells are produced. B12 and/or folate deficiency is a common cause of the condition and supplementation and improvements in diet can often improve the condition.

Poor folate status can arise from inadequate intake of fruits and veggies, alcohol consumption which impairs folate absorption, some medication and health conditions can also impair absorption of folate as well as B12, which is important for utilizing folate.

People with gene variants in MTHFR, MTHFD1, TCN2, and other genes may be more vulnerable to folate insufficiency and require a higher intake of folate-rich foods in the diet. It is important to eat a well-rounded diet that includes plenty of leafy greens, beans, and legumes to ensure good folate intake and to know your individual need for folate, and other nutrients!

Why Folate Matters for Your Health and Genetics : 

1. Folate, a B-vitamin (B9), is an essential nutrient important in many cellular processes including DNA production and repair, fertility, cardiovascular health, and brain health.

2. Folic acid is a synthetic version of folate and competes with naturally occurring folate.

3. Folate is abundantly available in plants such as green leafy vegetables, asparagus, beets, and legumes.

4. Folate status influences DNA replication, repair, methylation, homocysteine levels and heart health, as well as fertility and other conditions.

5. There are individual differences in the amount of folate required between people due to variations in genes such as MTHFR, MTHFD1, and TCN2.

6. Your 3X4 Genetics certified practitioner can help you to understand your individual dietary need for this important nutrient

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